There are whispers in the air - exciting words floating on the wind. Can you hear them? They’re for you!
The eve of National Talk Like A Pirate Day, they’re saying. The eve of National Talk Like A Pirate Day!
The earth is rumbling beneath your feet - a portal is opening. A gate, unlocking. Can you feel it? They’re welcoming you!
The portal shall reveal itself to you in the West. Count the streets until you come to the 119th - search between Frederick Douglass and Nicholas and you shall find it waiting for you. Use the magic code 3258 and follow the city’s resident angel, Evelyn, up up up and finally through the city gates.
The lights are turning on - the city is waking from its slumber. Can you see it?
Just before the sun dips below the horizon. Join us just before the sun dips below the horizon.
The secret is in! The city is waiting! Get your passports ready, and don’t forget to think small.
If you prefer more clarity and less secrets, be sure to contact our Mayor, May, at