Providing perfomance, education and professional opportunities to immigrant women
Providing perfomance, education and professional opportunities to immigrant women
There are whispers in the air - exciting words floating on the wind. Can you hear them? They’re for you!
The eve of National Talk Like A Pirate Day, they’re saying. The eve of National Talk Like A Pirate Day!
The earth is rumbling beneath your feet - a portal is opening. A gate, unlocking. Can you feel it? They’re welcoming you!
The portal shall reveal itself to you in the West. Then...
The lights are turning on - the city is waking from its slumber. Can you see it?
Just before the sun dips below the horizon. Join us just before the sun dips below the horizon.
The secret is in! The city is waiting! Get your passports ready, and don’t forget to think small.
If you prefer more clarity and less secrets, be sure to contact our Mayor, May, at info@paracademia.org
When she was 4 years old, our founder Milica Paranosic discovered interdisciplinary creation and performance in Belgrade, then Yugoslavia.
She emigrated to New York in 1995 to begin a life as an interdisciplinary artist, composer, producer and educator.
Today, she embraces the opportunity to teach emerging artists the tools she learned to be useful in enjoying a life as a successful, fulfilled artist and citizen.
For more information, visit Milica's website
As children, we all create art. We sing and dance together, we build sand castles, we make up stories and draw landscapes on the walls of our rooms. Then somehow, life teaches us to become ‘serious,' get a ‘real’ profession, and stop ‘playing around;' in other words, to break the links to our inner artists.
At Paracademia, we keep those links alive, and awake them if they fall asleep.
Paracademia is committed to nurturing and revitalizing our artistic predispositions through community efforts and collaborative productions, performances and education.
We particularly support immigrants, women, and youth by providing education, performance and professional opportunities.
Get excited, because classes are back in session! Every Wednesday from 5pm-7pm, join us for classes on music theory, composition, and film scoring. Open to all skill levels, and drop-ins are welcome - email info@paracademia.org for rates. See you there!
Lara St. John curates concert series with distinguished artists, produced by Paracademia center for music and # collaborative arts which provides aid to struggling musicians.
Lara St. John curates concert series with distinguished artists, produced by Paracademia center for music and # collaborative arts which provides aid to struggling musicians.
We foster Composers/Filmmakers Collaborations through original compositions to contemporary independent movies and visual media collaborative arts music performance
Our new program dedicated to preventing, protecting and healing the victims of sexual abuse in classical music community. Spearheaded by our board member, a sexual abuse survivor Lara St. John.
Read the Review of our inaugural event in the Philadelphia Inquirer,
Before it was a national movement, it was our program!
Are you an artist or and an art advocate? Are you an immigrant, a woman, a young professional in need of guidence or a perfomance opportunty? Contact us - We're here to help! music performance collaborative arts
We are offering classes, lessons and workshops. Contact us with a specifit need, or sign up for our mailing list to always stay in the loop.
We are always looking to grow and extend our reach. Many opportunities are available, including board members, curators, interns, volunteers and visiting faculty. Contact us to find out more.
Milica Paranosic, 281 west 119th Street,# 5A, New York, NY 10026, US
Paracademia is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.