Don't ever want to leave Secret City? Well, now you don’t have to! By investing in Secret City’s continued well-being and expansion, you can take home a station of your choice! You'll leave here tonight not only with a new art piece, but with the knowledge that your donation will help to promote Secret City's core values of peace and equality for years to come.
JJ investment value: $400
Jessica used to live in a woman’s body. And not just any body. She lived in the abdomen of none other but our Mayor! For many years she resided there and naively thought that mayor’s insides were the entire world! That there was nothing beyond them.
But who needs anything else? She was surrounded by all of these small Jessica’s, all made in her image, and she was in charge of them all! She’d just ring her bell, and they’d gather up at her service.
Little did she know that not only was that womb not the entire world, but that she was also causing our mayor a great deal of pain.
Once she realized this, she left immediately, bravely facing the unknown. She also took all the baby Jessica’s with her, leaving but one, friendly one - Jessica Junior.
JJ and our Mayor now coexist together happily and in harmony. And Momma Jessica and her other limbs moved to SC forever.